Changes on #draft not getting pushed to #public

I’ve made an edit on a #draft branch and then clicked the “Publish, Merge into #public” button. When I then switch to the #public branch, the change is not reflected there. The document history shows that there is a new version with today’s date, but the text remains unchanged. If I switch back to the #draft branch, the change is saved there.

Is there a delay with the change getting pushed to the #public branch? I’ve tried clearing my browser cache and using a different browser.

Hi Devin, sorry to hear you’re having this problem. Could you provide a link to the pub in question?


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Thanks for the link. It looks like the merge was to change the word “myriad” to “variety”, correct? I have changed that for you in the doc — if you get a moment, please confirm that you can see the new wording in the #public branch.

We’re still looking into the root causes of this — thanks for bringing it to our attention, and please do let us know if something like this comes up again.

Thanks, I do. I was testing the functionality with one of my own pubs because I have a user about to undertake a pub revision and wanted to make sure that this was going to work. Hopefully it is not a problem for her.

@ian Can you please take a look at this pub ( This appears to be another example of changes from #draft not getting pushed to #public. I’ve done the merge myself, but the updates don’t seem to be coming across. This is the one I was worried about before.